Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Star Cat 2

Yay more ships!  Star Conflict did a bit of rearranging as far as ships and tiers go.  My frigate from my last Star Conflict post is now tier 2 and I've bought more ships, some of which I no longer own after the tier swaps.

Lynx MkII, no longer owned, raised to tier 2.  Bye-bye clown ship!

 Lynx-M, bought to replace Lynx MkII.

Machete AE, Techs Machete Variant

Dverger, Imperial interceptor.  Micro-Warp Drive is fun.  Until you fly into a rock.

Hercules 2, Imperial fighter, good for blowing stuff up.

Harpy, Imperial frigate.  Sniper ship.  Beware the red dot of death!