Friday, September 27, 2013

Mind Blown

So I was exploring Shattrath's Auction House with a friend today and I came across some things that made me wonder...  Please view the photos below and find my thoughts after.

So I was wondering.  Were any of these here before their respective expansions came out?  I started in Cataclysm so I don't know if they were.  If they WERE here before the expansions I associated them with were released, that's some very clever foreshadowing.  The same friend and I found out that the globe textures had been updated to show Pandaria, after thinking a globe in the Shattrath Auction House showed it while ones in Stormwind did not, so that's one less mystery in World of Warcraft.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Star Cat 3

Last run of ships for the moment.  I've got to earn more ranks with Jericho to get their later ships.

Dverger 2, upgraded Dverger.  My current favorite Interceptor

Hercules Rage, upgraded Hercules fighter.  Not as good as my Axe-X's.  Apparently I already have this one up as the Hercules 2 from before it was renamed.   *Shrug*

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Final Fantasy XIV Beta Test

I got to participate in the second-to-last beta test of Final Fantasy XIV (14 if  you can't read Roman numerals).  Here are the two characters I designed.

All Possible Worlds

From my "All Possible Worlds" Minecraft instance on MultiMC.  This is my Portal Building.  The original intention was to have all three portals (Nether, Aether and Twilight Forest) in the building, but because I built a building with a center line, I can't put the TF portal in it, since the TF portal is a 2x2 hole surrounded by flowers.